What a Long, Strange Journey It’s Been

So it has been over 2 years since my last post. Appropriately, my last post was about exhaustion.  That describes the last two years pretty accurately. To make a long story short, we were evicted last year after my husband’s great uncle passed away and his widow sold the property we were living on. (The new landlord wanted to change the area to house elderly tenants only.) As a result, we moved across the country from Arizona to Florida to stay with my in-laws. During that time, we also discovered I had glaucoma, and my bipolar had taken a turn for the worse. So I had a bit of a mental breakdown during our move, which was not particularly fun to be honest. I also injured my back and hip when I tripped over our dog that at the time insisted on being around my feet constantly, and that has started the early stages of Arthritis in my lower back as well. I was walking with a cane for quite awhile until physical therapy helped me to walk normal again, so most days I can do without the cane.

River in FloridaNow, I’ve been in Florida for about 9 months, and I have my medications for my Bipolar Disorder, anxiety, and OCD to just about a good point where I can manage to take care of the kids and myself. (Usually I neglect myself in favor of the kids being taken care of.) I am seeing a new ophthalmologist who is trying a new medication to keep my early signs of glaucoma to a minimum, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it works to delay any further damage. In the meantime, I still can’t see to the sides, and my eyes hurt constantly. Again, not fun.

The kids are in a great school, although my oldest is having issues concentrating, so that’s fun to try and work around. We’re working with a counselor to test for ADD to see if this is part of his problem. Hopefully I at least find some answers, considering he’s showing early signs of Bipolar Disorder as well.  The counselor he’s seeing is really good with him though, so that is a bonus. She seems to know how to appeal to his love of science to get him to open up and talk with her.

I know this post is a jumbled mess, and I will try to update more often, because damn I am so far behind. I had two drafts that I never finished, and now I don’t know if I will, but I will be updating about once a week with hopefully interesting posts for you about the fun times of dealing with a house full of kids.

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